10 research outputs found

    Formal and efficient verification techniques for Real-Time UML models

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    The real-time UML profile TURTLE has a formal semantics expressed by translation into a timed process algebra: RT-LOTOS. RTL, the formal verification tool developed for RT-LOTOS, was first used to check TURTLE models against design errors. This paper opens new avenues for TURTLE model verification. It shows how recent work on translating RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri net model may be applied to TURTLE. RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns are presented. Their formal proof is the subject of another paper. These patterns have been implemented in a RT-LOTOS to TPN translator which has been interfaced with TINA, a Time Petri Net Analyzer which implements several reachability analysis procedures depending on the class of property to be verified. The paper illustrates the benefits of the TURTLE->RT-LOTOS->TPN transformation chain on an avionic case study

    From RT-LOTOS to Time Petri Nets new foundations for a verification platform

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    The formal description technique RT-LOTOS has been selected as intermediate language to add formality to a real-time UML profile named TURTLE. For this sake, an RT-LOTOS verification platform has been developed for early detection of design errors in real-time system models. The paper discusses an extension of the platform by inclusion of verification tools developed for Time Petri Nets. The starting point is the definition of RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns. In particular, we introduce the concept of components embedding Time Petri Nets. The translation patterns are implemented in a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN in the format admitted by the TINA tool. The efficiency of the proposed solution has been demonstrated on various case studies

    Mapping RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri Nets

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    RT-LOTOS is a timed process algebra which enables compact and abstract specification of real-time systems. This paper proposes and illustrates a structural translation of RT-LOTOS terms into behaviorally equivalent (timed bisimilar) finite Time Petri nets. It is therefore possible to apply Time Petri nets verification techniques to the profit of RT-LOTOS. Our approach has been implemented in RTL2TPN, a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN. The latter is verified using TINA, a TPN analyzer developed by LAAS-CNRS. The toolkit made of RTL2TPN and TINA has been positively benchmarked against previously developed RT-LOTOS verification tool

    Vers l'utilisation des réseaux de Petri temporels étendus pour la vérification de systÚmes temps-réel décrits en RT-LOTOS

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    This thesis adresses real-time systems, usinga transformational approach. The timed process algebra RT-LOTOS serves as source language. Extended Petri nets with stopwatches and data serve as target language. Rt-LOTOS to extended Petri nets translation patterns are proposed and formally proved. The transformational approach developed for the control part is extended to the data part. The RT-LOTOS language is enhanced with a suspend /resume operator, thus extending the class of real-time systems that can be modeld and verified . The efficiency of the new approach is demonstrated on various case studies that include comparisons with LOTOS and RT-LOTOS tools that had been developed before. The proposed approach may be applied and extended to other modelling languages, in particular the real-time UML profile TURTLE (Timed UML and RT-LOTOS Environment).Cette thĂšse porte sur la vĂ©rification formelle de systĂšmes temps rĂ©el et procĂšde par transformation de modĂšle entre l'algĂšbre de processus temporisĂ©e RT-LOTOS et les rĂ©seaux de Petri temporels Ă©tendus par des chronomĂštres et des donnĂ©es. Des schĂ©mas de traduction de RT-LOTOS vers ces rĂ©seaux de Petri Ă©tendus sont proposĂ©s et formellement prouvĂ©s. L'approche transformationnelle dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour la partie " contrĂŽle " de RT-LOTOS est Ă©tendue Ă  la partie " donnĂ©es ". Le langage RT-LOTOS est lui mĂȘme enrichi d'un opĂ©rateur de suspension reprise qui permet de modĂ©liser et vĂ©rifier une classe plus large de systĂšmes temps rĂ©el Plusieurs Ă©tudes de cas attestent de l'efficacitĂ© des schĂ©mas de traduction proposĂ©s par rapport Ă  des outils LOTOS ou RT-LOTOS dĂ©veloppĂ©s antĂ©rieurement. L'approche proposĂ©e s'avĂšre transposable Ă  d'autres langages de modĂ©lisation en particulier le profil UML temps rĂ©el TURTLE (Timed UML and RT-LOTOS Environment)

    Recherche d’efficacitĂ© en vĂ©rification de modĂšles UML temps rĂ©el traduits en RT-LOTOS

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    Le fait de doter le profil UML temps réel TURTLE d'une sémantique formelle par traduction vers l'algÚbre de processus temporisée RT-LOTOS a permis de réutiliser en contexte UML l'outil de validation formelle RTL développé pour RT-LOTOS. Cet article montre comment le profil TURTLE bénéficie maintenant des travaux les plus récents sur la traduction de spécifications RT-LOTOS vers les réseaux de Petri temporels supportés par l'outil TINA. Des schémas de traduction ont été prouvés et implantés. L'on profite ainsi des performances à l'exécution de TINA et des constructions que cet outil implante en fonction des classes de propriétés à vérifier

    Validation de spécifications RT-LOTOS : une interface vers l'outil TINA

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    RT-LOTOS est une algÚbre de processus temporisée supportée par RTL, outil de validation formelle utilisant l'analyse d'accessibilité. La recherche de meilleures performances en termes d'exploration de l'espace d'états et le besoin d'étendre les classes de propriétés vérifiées, ont motivé le développement d'une interface entre RTL et l'analyseur de réseaux de Petri temporels TINA. Cette interface repose sur des schémas de traduction de RT-LOTOS vers les RdPT. Ces schémas ont fait l'objet d'une preuve. Cet article met l'accent sur les premiers résultats expérimentaux obtenus avec RTL2TPN, un traducteur qui a vocation à intégrer la chaßne d'outils développés pour le profil UML temps réel TURTLE (Timed UML and RT-LOTOS Environment)

    Extended real-time LOTOS for preemptive systems verification

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    Real-time systems not only interact with their environment and hopefully deliver their expected outputs on time. Unlike transformational systems, they may be interrupted at any time while keeping the capacity to restart later on without loosing their state information. Therefore, a real-time system specification language should include a suspend /resume capability. In this paper, we propose to extend the timed process algebra RT-LOTOS with a suspend/resume operator. Extended RT-LOTOS specifications are translated to Stopwatch Time Petri nets that may be analyzed using the TINA tool. We define an RTLOTOS to SwTPN translation pattern. A formal proof is included. Case studies show the interest of our proposal for preemptive systems specification and verification

    Vers l'utilisation des réseaux de Petri temporels étendus pour la vérification de systÚmes temp-réel décrits en RT-LOTOS

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    Cette thĂšse porte sur la vĂ©rification formelle de systĂšmes temps rĂ©el et procĂšde par transformation de modĂšle entre l'algĂšbre de processus temporisĂ©e RT-LOTOS et les rĂ©seaux de Petri temporels Ă©tendus par des chronomĂštres et des donnĂ©es. Des schĂ©mas de traduction de RT-LOTOS vers ces rĂ©seaux de Petri Ă©tendus sont proposĂ©s et formellent prouvĂ©s. L'approche transformationnelle dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour la partie "contrĂŽle" de RT-LOTOS est Ă©tendue Ă  la partie "donnĂ©es". Le langage RT-LOTOS est lui-mĂȘme enrichi d'un opĂ©rateur de suspension/reprise qui permet de modĂ©liser et vĂ©rifier une classe plus large de systĂšmes temps rĂ©el. Plusieurs Ă©tudes de cas attestent de l'efficacitĂ© des schĂ©mas de traduction proposĂ©s par rapport Ă  des outils LOTOS ou RT-LOTOS dĂ©veloppĂ©s antĂ©rieurement. L'approche proposĂ©e s'avĂšre transposable Ă  d'autres langages de modĂ©lisation, en particulier le profil UML temp rĂ©el TURTLE (Time UML and RT-LOTOS Environment).This thesis investigates a transformational approach for the verification of Real-Time systems. The main objective is to reuse several verification techniques and tools originally developed for Time Petri nets for the profit of the timed process algebra RT-LOTOS. A set of translation patterns from RT-LOTOS to Time Petri nets extended with stowatches and data is proposed and formally proved. The RT-LOTOS language is extended with a suspend/resume operator, which allows the description of complex reactive systems whose temporal evolution can be suspended and then resumed at the same point. The efficiency of the new approach is demonstrated on various case studies. This work is not limited to the verification of real-time systems specified in RT-LOTOS. The approach provides a more powerful verification environment for real-time systems modelled in TURTLE, a real-time UML profile.TOULOUSE-ENSEEIHT (315552331) / SudocSudocFranceF